Thursday, January 26, 2023

Brother and sister

🔴Brother and sister"

I am happy!

Because, you came into my life 

I am lucky! 

Because, you calling me sister 

The way you take care of me, 

The way you give me courage,

The way you love me,

Who else in the world will do this.

You are not just my brother, 

You are my inspiration. 

You are not just a part of my life, 

You are my protector. 

Yes, I am the brave one 

Yes, I don't worry about anything 

Because, I know 

you won't let anything happen to me. 

This is the sweetest relationship in the world.

They are courage for each other, 

warrior for one another, 

Even a weakness for each other.

✍️Sumia Aktara 

Contact no:9395341929

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